Thanks to kindness of others, A Visual Git
Reference has been translated from English into several other
languages. If you would like to translate it into your native language, I
would be happy to receive your patch! Please follow the below guide to get
you started.
Translate the work, following the same scheme as the other languages.
Be sure to remember to add your name to the copyright notice in
and index-en.html. There are more steps, but if you don't follow them,
don't worry—I'll take care of the rest.
Commit and push your changes back to Github repository.
Submit a pull request via the Github website.
The nitty-gritty
I'll take care of these details if you don't want to worry about them,
but here they are in case you are interested:
Add your name to the bottom of the copyright notice in and
Add a link from index.html to index-LANG.html, where
Add index-LANG.html to the HTML Makefile
Copy index-en.html to index-LANG.html.
Translate the new file. Remember to update the html lang
tag on line 2, remove the copyright notices for all the other languages,
and (if possible) link to the appropriate language Creative Commons
Add a link to your page on index-*.html. Again, please keep this
sorted by filename. Remember to create links on the other languages and
create a non-link for your language on your own page.
Unfortunately, the current setup makes it difficult to translate the
images. If there is sufficient interest, I can rearrange things so that
each language could have its own images. For now, they're all in English!